~Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from Him.~ Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My kids are NOT crazy. Sometimes I see other people's children doing strange things, and I think how glad I am that mine are perfectly normal.

Ashlynne, for example (like all children), paints her face with ketchup at the dinner table merely in order to practice applying makeup. Or perhaps she was pretending to be a clown, I'm not quite sure.

Marianne, of course, frequently walks around with a tiny scrap of her blankie tucked between her nose and her top lip. This is merely because she's matured past the point of carrying the actual blanket around with her everywhere she goes (however, I won't say I wasn't a little bit startled when she brought a piece to church with her and I turned aside to find her sitting just like this!).

And Debbo eats chalk like all normal children do. Blue chalk is her favorite.

Some of their other ordinary activities include things like:
~Turning each other into "kitty-cats" by decorating each other's faces with sharpie markers.
~Chopping each other's hair off with safety scissors so it would be "short just like Mommy's!"
~Chopping their doll's hair off so it would be "short just like ours!"

~"Washing our hair, Mommy!" (and their clothes, and the bathroom sink, and the walls, and the floor) by repeatedly flinging cups of water into the air (in the MIDDLE of the night).

~Dressing the TV remote control in barbie doll clothes so it can be "Prince Charming."

~Helping each other strip down to their birthday suits so they can all bounce delightedly on the bed "au naturel" while singing at the tops of their lungs.

~Carrying around a toothbrush wrapped in toilet-paper streamers held in place with hair bands ("it's my baby, Mommy!").
~Running back and forth across the upstairs hallway at 11:00 at night, shrieking in terror because "the Big Bad Wolf is chasing us!!"

You know, just ordinary stuff like that!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this has got to be the funniest post I've ever seen!! :)
