~Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from Him.~ Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My kids are NOT crazy. Sometimes I see other people's children doing strange things, and I think how glad I am that mine are perfectly normal.

Ashlynne, for example (like all children), paints her face with ketchup at the dinner table merely in order to practice applying makeup. Or perhaps she was pretending to be a clown, I'm not quite sure.

Marianne, of course, frequently walks around with a tiny scrap of her blankie tucked between her nose and her top lip. This is merely because she's matured past the point of carrying the actual blanket around with her everywhere she goes (however, I won't say I wasn't a little bit startled when she brought a piece to church with her and I turned aside to find her sitting just like this!).

And Debbo eats chalk like all normal children do. Blue chalk is her favorite.

Some of their other ordinary activities include things like:
~Turning each other into "kitty-cats" by decorating each other's faces with sharpie markers.
~Chopping each other's hair off with safety scissors so it would be "short just like Mommy's!"
~Chopping their doll's hair off so it would be "short just like ours!"

~"Washing our hair, Mommy!" (and their clothes, and the bathroom sink, and the walls, and the floor) by repeatedly flinging cups of water into the air (in the MIDDLE of the night).

~Dressing the TV remote control in barbie doll clothes so it can be "Prince Charming."

~Helping each other strip down to their birthday suits so they can all bounce delightedly on the bed "au naturel" while singing at the tops of their lungs.

~Carrying around a toothbrush wrapped in toilet-paper streamers held in place with hair bands ("it's my baby, Mommy!").
~Running back and forth across the upstairs hallway at 11:00 at night, shrieking in terror because "the Big Bad Wolf is chasing us!!"

You know, just ordinary stuff like that!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

All About Debbo!

I wasn't sure what Deborah would say, but I tried asking her just a few questions!

Who's your favorite princess?

Who do you like to play with?
Play with....Bepah! (Bekah)

Tell me about Daddy.
Um yeah, Daddy!

Tell me about Mommy.
Yeah! Mommy!

Where do you live?
Are you a good girl?

Are you sure you're a good girl?
No. I'm cold!


Monday, June 28, 2010

All About Kate

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A cowgirl. And I want to be more, but I don't know yet, not until I decide.

What is your favorite toy?
I like to play dress-up and pretend I'm getting married and I like to smell flowers and that's all I can think of.

What do you like to eat?
Candy. And I like to eat candy canes and ginger men.

Where do you like to go?
The library to do puzzles. And I like to play in the boxes and run around outside and get wild!

Tell me what you do in church.

We sit down quietly. We learn about God. About who He is and what He does. And when the singing is done we get to have gum.

Tell me about Mommy.
She looks cute. And I like it when she says "yes." [Big surprise there!]
< Tell me about Daddy.
I hope he gets that new job. He's very fun when we play with him, I like it every day. And sometimes I will teach Mommy and Daddy how to play.

Tell me about Marianne.
Always she's my best friend. Just don't make her mad or she'll yell at you.

Tell me about Ashlynne.
Ashlynne is very, very cute when she chews on her Ducko. Sometimes her face is gloomy.

Tell me about Deborah.
Debbo is very silly and she's very cute. And sometimes I like Debbo the most. She's mostly like Ashlynne.

Tell me about Rebekah.
Well, she mostly spits up on the floor. But, she's cute!

All About Marianne

I asked Marianne a bunch of questions and here are all her answers, just as she told them to me!

What is your favorite toy?
Toy cars. Pink and yellow and red ones. They are the kind you could drive in! [I have no idea where that came from!]

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Sleeping Beauty.

What is your favorite food?
Candy. I like lollipops. Do you think we should buy some lollipops? Maybe when Daddy gets back we could go buy some!

Where do you like to go?
Shopping, and the "liberry."

Tell me about Mommy.
Um, I love you.

Tell me about Daddy.
I love him too, and I would be glad if he would give us lollipops.

Tell me about Kate.
Well, I love her, but mostly she pops my balloon's head off.
[I guess she's never quite forgotten how Kate once twisted the head loose on a balloon animal she had been given!]

Tell me about Ashlynne.
I love her, but she ran off with my carrot!
[that's a new one on me!]

Tell me about Deborah.
I like her when she says funny stuff, and when she makes us laugh!

Tell me about Bekah.
I love Bekah "mostily." When she pulls my hair, though? She's kind of like a pickle. And when she eats graham crackers she drools on them. That's my little May-may!

Friday, June 25, 2010

All About Ashlynne

I thought I'd let Ashlynne tell me a little about herself, so I asked her some questions and here are all her answers, just as she told them to me!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A princess with a long yellow dress.

Who is your favorite princess?
A princess doll with eyes, with eyeshadow, and a long yellow dress and a white nose. And it was a toy one, and I played with it all day!

Who do you like to play with?
A beautiful doll.

What do you like to eat?

Chicken. Chicken nuggets. I don't want spicy on it. I like to eat a candy bird, and a candy girl. And it was black, very black.

Tell me about Mommy.
Um. I don't "benember."

Tell me about Daddy.
He has brown hair. He likes to go shooting and he puts me on his shoulders and goes with me to go shooting. Then he puts us to bed.

What do you do in church?
We get gum. We take it out of our mouths, and then Mommy takes it away. But we do learn to 'bey God. [They're each allowed one piece of gum while we sit in the church service or listen to sermons sitting on the couch at home. The deal is they can keep it as long as they stay sitting still and quiet. Yes, it's a bribe. There are five of them to keep quiet. They are four and under. Bottom line: it works!]

Where do you like to go?
I like to go in the car to where the other kids are. And you can go with us. And the other girls can go with us. When we get in the car, we close the door so there won't be a bug! And I like to go to the park and then we'll climb up the ladder and slide down the slide!

What are you afraid of?
An alligator. And he bites my foot off, like this! (waves foot in the air)

Are you afraid of bugs?
No. I just squash them. Like this!! (stomps foot for emphasis) But Kate and May-may are afraid. But I don't like spiders!

What's your favorite toy?
Ummm, my Cinderella. And it's lost. Very lost. But my Sleeping Beauty is upstairs where I was. And I was missing you, while I was up there!

That's my Ashlynne!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Banana Sandwiches and Mermaids

I guess some people might think my every-day life is rather humdrum. It's full of routine (lots and lots of routine! In fact, I do the exact same things nearly every day around here!). It's also chock-full of tasks that are truly no fun: mountains of laundry, bathrooms to clean, carpets to vacuum, and piles of dirty dishes to scrape and rinse three times a day (let's not forget the endless diaper-changing!). But come a little closer, and hang out with five tiny little people who think there's fun and excitement in everything, and who have unlimited imaginations and surprisingly witty and often side-splitting baby insights into the "hum-drum!"
Today, for example, was not much different from our typical hot-weather days. Same old stuff, and yet somehow never boring!
Breakfast at 9:00 (no matter what time I get up, somehow we never have breakfast until 9:00!).
Clean up the kitchen and get everybody into their swimsuits! I grabbed clothes for the girls for later along with the appropriate number of clean diapers and left them in the kitchen. Then everybody got their hair fixed. We have a box full of tiny rubber bands in all different colors and one of my favorite parts of the morning is getting the girls hair done up in braids, ponytails, pigtails, or whatever strikes my fancy for that day (the girls know, Mommy gets to choose their hairstyles until they're old enough to fix their own, ditto on picking out their clothes!).
Then it's outside where everybody gets sprayed down with sunscreen and turned loose for playtime! We fill their little wading pool with fresh cold water and they splash and play with plastic tea-cups and buckets. Kate rides her little tricyle around, she's so proud of how fast she can pedal! They drag the giant, appliance sized boxes out of the garage...thanks to some quick work with box-cutters and packing tape these are their little playhouses and they never seem to get tired of popping in and out of them, "visiting" each other and going "shopping" or hiding from the "Big Bad Wolf" (that would be me, or their Aunt Kim, or whichever adult is getting a kick out of that game!).
Today I sat reading a book for a while but the heat was just too much for me. I needed very little coaxing ("Mommy, come down and play with us!") to plop right into the kiddie pool with the girls. Hopefully the neighbors weren't paying attention, although they are probably already quite convinced that we're a little crazy over here! Although I didn't realize it at first, I was actually seated in a gourmet restaurant. Two little chefs were serving up the most delicious soups you've ever tasted. Sour Meat Soup with "lots of sugar" was the house specialty and I was allowed to taste it over and over and recommend alterations in the ingredients!
Debbo was busy cooking something, too. She stirred it vigorously in a faded pink bucket with a broken handle and kept bustling over to give me bites of it from a little blue plastic shovel. I would "taste" whatever it was (she couldn't tell me) and make lots of sound effects: "Mmmm! Delicious!" Then she'd giggle with delight, and race back to her bucket babbling happily, no doubt about what a superb chef she was! Kate on the other hand was not cooking, she was pouring buckets of water on top of me to cool me off. I was startled the first time, and I told her I wasn't used to such treatment while I was visiting Marianne's restaurant! She assured me "This is what we do for everyone who comes here! It keeps them cool so they'll stay and eat the food!" Oh, of course. Why didn't I think of that?

After a while they began to tire of serving up delicious entree's, and then we had a bit of excitement. Kate informed me in a whisper that an invisible witch was on her way over to us with a basket of apples. Marianne chimed in immediately that these were, of course, poisoned apples and we should under no circumstances allow ourselves to be tricked into eating them! Good thing she had the low-down on those apples, we might have been deceived! We quickly concocted a plan in hushed whispers. I'm happy to say that when the "witch" arrived we very sneakily lured her into conversation and then threw buckets of water onto her (which, as everyone knows, causes witches to melt). Then we tossed her deadly apples as far as we could throw them (which was over the garage, where Kate informed me they had burnt holes in the sidewalk, being such very dangerous apples!)
Once that situation was under control, I realized the girls were all a bit pink-cheeked and tired looking and that it was close to lunchtime. We gathered on the deck where they waited dripping and shivering until I brought everybody a towel and then they could scurry into the kitchen (I long ago gave up trying to change them all out of wet swimsuits in the bathroom, there's just not enough room!). Dry clothes and diapers all around and then I whipped up some lunch.
Today we had peanut butter on whole wheat bread with lots of banana slices on top and grapes all around on the plate. I'm not usually creative but the idea struck me and I thought they would like it. They did. Kate and Marianne gobbled theirs down and Ashlynne (of course!) tilted hers straight up and carefully licked all the peanut butter from around the bananas and then tipped them into her mouth one at a time with her tongue. After that she shredded the bread to bits and ate each tiny piece one at a time. Meanwhile, Marianne had propped half a grape onto a straw top. This was Sleeping Beauty who was immediately proposed to by Prince Charming (a similar creation of Kate's). However their happy romance was sadly put in jeopardy by a terrible monster (a scary creature made of bread and peanut butter with bitten out eyeholes) who threatened to lock them up in a tower (you see what I mean? It's just never boring around here!). Debbo was decidedly uninterested in those proceedings. She had stacked her bananas neatly in a pile and decided quite adamently that she would NOT eat them (I thought she liked bananas! Oh well). I thought the bribe of colored marshmallows I was giving the girls for finishing their food would win her over, but she was unmoved. Little lip protruding, big blue eyes full of aligator tears, she gazed longingly at the marshmallows but she was not about to eat those bananas. In the end I decided that having no marshmallows was punishment enough for the moment, and trotted her off for a nap without insisting on her eating the bananas!
It seemed like the next thing I knew they were all in bed for their naps, nicely worn out. Even (for once) Rebekah! Standing in the quiet living room I studied the laundry basket piled sky-high and overflowing with clean, unfolded laundry. Then my eyes were drawn to the couch, so inviting! A nap is a rare, rare thing for me. Back and forth I glanced from laundry to couch but there was really no contest. When all five kids are asleep at once I just have to take advantage of it! About an hour later when I groggily opened my eyes, I found the four oldest there in the living room with me! They were lying sleepily but awake on the floor and love seat with their blankies, pillows, favorite stuffed toys and dolls! I guess they all migrated in at some point! We decided it was time for popcorn and a movie (I needed a distraction so I could work on bills and budgeting) and they were quite happy and entertained and afterwards headed upstairs to play while I made a small dent in the laundry pile and then got supper on. Down they came to eat, all dressed up in various combinations of each other's clothes, Sunday slips (which they think are pretty, lacy dresses!) and their somewhat tattered princess dress-up dresses. Wow. Hope nobody comes to the door at this point!
After dinner was cleaned up it was time to whisk everyone through their baths. As I soaped up little blond heads and scrubbed dirty feet they skittered around in their bathwater and chatted about how they were mermaids. I'm quite skeptical about those, as I do have my limits when it comes to magical characters and I hardly want the girls to imitate mermaid standards in modesty (or lack thereof)! However they put my mind at ease by assuring me that they were "Good mermaids who wear sleeves, and obey their mommies and daddies." Well. That was reassuring! After baths and PJ's it was time for Bible stories and catechism (I love hearing the girls recite their answers and hearing Debbie try to imitate them with great gusto!). Then prayers and bedtime.
Or rather, time to put the girls into bed and begin the nightly routine of putting them back in those same beds repeatedly for the next hour or two, in between putting the bathroom back in order, taking out the trash, vacuuming, etc.

In the middle of all that their Daddy came home and I was treated to some adult conversation and quality time with my favorite person (as well as a back-up on the bedtime thing...it does wonders when Daddy hollers up the stairs "Everybody in bed! quiet!") Of course I also had to fill him in on the not-so-boring adventures of this very routine day!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Meet the "Arrows"

I'm not sure you could call our "quiver" full, but it sure is getting cozy! Here's an intro to our "arrows!"

Kate is my oldest, she joined the family just one week before our first wedding anniversary! She's spunky, independent and doesn't have a shy bone in her body! She has her Daddy's curly hair, my blue-green-brown eyes, and is our little artist. She loves to draw and has a good eye for colors and shapes! She keeps her sisters in line, and would like to keep me in line, too!

Number two is Marianne. She joined our family one week before Kate's first birthday (the day after big sister learned to walk!). She's sweet and softspoken and has a huge imagination! She's rarely without one of her favorite toys, usually a small plastic princess doll so she can continually be making up a story for it to act out! She loves babies, princesses and dancing to any kind of music. When she's sleepy you'll see her carrying her over-loved-falling-apart blankie, or maybe a little tattered piece of it (she collects those carefully and will carry them around for hours!).

Ashlynne is number three and the closest thing to a tomboy we have around here! She's quieter than her sisters but I think she plays harder than any of them! She loves rough & rowdy games and especially to be tickled! You just have to be careful, she's big for a two-year-old and very strong! She also loves to play dressup and be a "pincess." When she's sleepy you'll find her curled on the couch with one thumb in her mouth and her beloved stuffed duck "Ducko" tucked under her chin!

Next is Debbie. She's 14 months younger than Ashlynne which is our biggest age gap between kiddos!
She's a little bitty girl with a huge personality! Definitely a charmer, she likes to be the center of attention and can melt any of us with her big blue eyes and fluffy blond curls! She's cuddly and sweet, loves to laugh and never wants to be too far from Mommy!

Rebekah is the baby. She's a roly-poly happy-go-lucky cutie-pie! The girls adore her and they explain to people that she's "the cutest baby in the world!" She has happy, big blue eyes and is never quiet or still, she's always on the move and can roll or scooch wherever she wants to go! Her favorite pastime is standing on her head, literally! She can arch her back until the top of her head rests on the floor and then she'll happily check out the world in upside-down mode! Recently we discovered that she LOVES graham crackers!

So that's the lot of them! I could write a book on each one, but that's because I'm their mother! These are just the highlights on the munchkins that keep me hopping day in and day out!

Things That Make Me Smile
(Sometimes because they're delightful, sometimes because there's nothing else you can do!)

~Promising the girls for days they can play in the sprinkler, only to actually make it happen just as the sky clouds over for what looks like will be the first rain in over a week! Why is this always the way?

~Turning on the brand-new sprinkler and not realizing it's the rotating kind until suddenly we're all soaked! That is: me, my cell-phone, and poor little Bekah in her baby seat (but she was quite unharmed and the look on her face as the water droplets sprinkled her tiny head was priceless!).

~Sitting just inside the front door, feeding a chubby pink baby her bottle while four little girls shriek with delight as they dart back and forth through the plumes of water.

~Listening to Marianne talk to herself on the porch in her soft little voice about how brave she is, and how she's going to run back off the porch and right through that sprinkler, followed by her happy little giggle as she shivers from the cool water and excitement.

~Knowing there's pizza in the oven and coke in the fridge when we're done!

~Trying to get four wet, wiggly, shivering little girls back into dry clothes in a rather small bathroom all at one.

~Realizing that Marianne is helping Ashlynne get dressed and talking to her just like a little mommy ("now, just pull it over your head like this, if you hold still I can help you!").

~Lying around in the living room together after supper while the girls play. Holding Rebekah in the crook of my arm while she alternately sucks on the tip of my finger and babbles at me (that milky "beard" on her chin is too cute to wipe off!)

~Making popcorn for fun even though we're not really hungry.

~Covering the popcorn-bowl with my arms and telling the girls they can't have a piece unless they sing me a song.

~Hearing Kate sing a made-up song about a river while she twirls one ringlet around her finger and gazes at the ceiling for inspiration.

~Ashlynne marching back and forth singing her own song about "praising God."

~Marianne wandering around the living room singing about being lost in the woods. It was a rather long song and when I finally told her she could have her popcorn, she refused it and said she'd rather just sing. She kept it up for quite some time.

~ A little blond, curly haired imp with big blue eyes who murmurs in a high pitched voice while she bobs her head back and forth (that's how she "sings"). Then she stops, cover her mouth with both hands while she laughs at herself and plunges nearly headfirst into the popcorn bowl to claim her "reward."

~Three worn out girls sleeping soundly and peacefully in their bed upstairs.

~One little pink-cheeked rascal sound asleep in the nursery with her stuffed horse tucked snugly under her arm.

~One tiny chubby baby with fuzzy, chocolate-brown hair asleep in the cradle with her head to the side, little nose pointed in the air and dimpled thumb poked in her mouth.

~Hot toast with honey and butter and a quiet, dark house and a movie to watch all by myself with possibly not as many interruptions as during the day!